Most likely you will be validating your objects at the controller layer in your ColdBox event handlers. All event handlers, layouts, views and interceptors have some new methods thanks to our module mixins.
* Validate an object or structure according to the constraints rules.
* @target An object or structure to validate
* @fields The fields to validate on the target. By default, it validates on all fields
* @constraints A structure of constraint rules or the name of the shared constraint rules to use for validation
* @locale The i18n locale to use for validation messages
* @excludeFields The fields to exclude from the validation
* @includeFields The fields to include in the validation
* @profiles If passed, a list of profile names to use for validation constraints
* @return cbvalidation.model.result.IValidationResult
function validate()
* Validate an object or structure according to the constraints rules and throw an exception if the validation fails.
* The validation errors will be contained in the `extendedInfo` of the exception in JSON format
* @target An object or structure to validate
* @fields The fields to validate on the target. By default, it validates on all fields
* @constraints A structure of constraint rules or the name of the shared constraint rules to use for validation
* @locale The i18n locale to use for validation messages
* @excludeFields The fields to exclude from the validation
* @includeFields The fields to include in the validation
* @profiles If passed, a list of profile names to use for validation constraints
* @return The validated object or the structure fields that where validated
* @throws ValidationException
function validateOrFail()
* Retrieve the application's configured Validation Manager
function getValidationManager()
You pass in your target object or structure, an optional list of fields or properties to validate only (by default it does all of them), and an optional constraints argument which can be the shared name or an actual constraints structure a-la-carte. If no constraints are passed, then we will look for the constraints in the target object as a public property called constraints. The validate() method returns a cbvalidation.models.results.IValidationResult type object, which you can then use for evaluating the validation.
Please note that you can validate using a procedural approach or a functional approach by using our onError() and onSuccess() callback methods.
// Validation using the results object procedurally
function saveUser( event, rc, prc ){
// create and populate a user object from an incoming form
var user = populateModel( entityNew("User") );
// validate model and get validation results object
prc.validationResults = validate( user );
// check for errors
if( prc.validationResults.hasErrors() ){
messagebox.error( prc.validationResults.getAllErrors() );
relocate( "users/editor" );
else{ user );
// Validation using the results object functionally
function saveUser( event, rc, prc ){
// create and populate a user object from an incoming form
var user = populateModel( entityNew("User") );
validate( user )
.onError( function( results ){
messagebox.error( results.getAllErrors() );
relocate( "users/editor" );
.onSuccess( function( results ){ user );
// Validation using Active Entity and validate or fail
function save( event, rc, prc ){
.getOrFail( )
Validation Results
The return of the validate() method is our results object cbvalidation.models.result.ValidationResult which has several methods that you can use to interact with the validation results. Usually you woul use the onError() and onSuccess() callbacks to finalize the validation.
* Add errors into the result object
* @error The validation error to add into the results object
* @error_generic IValidationError
* @return IValidationResult
any function addError(required error);
* Set the validation target object name
* @return IValidationResult
any function setTargetName(required string name);
* Get the name of the target object that got validated
string function getTargetName();
* Get the validation locale
string function getValidationLocale();
* has locale information
boolean function hasLocale();
* Set the validation locale
* @return IValidationResult
any function setLocale(required string locale);
* Determine if the results had error or not
* @fieldThe field to count on (optional)
boolean function hasErrors(string field);
* Clear All errors
* @return IValidationResult
any function clearErrors();
* Get how many errors you have
* @fieldThe field to count on (optional)
numeric function getErrorCount(string field);
* Get the Errors Array, which is an array of error messages (strings)
* @fieldThe field to use to filter the error messages on (optional)
array function getAllErrors(string field);
* Get an error object for a specific field that failed. Throws exception if the field does not exist
* @fieldThe field to return error objects on
* @return IValidationError[]
array function getFieldErrors(required string field);
* Get a collection of metadata about the validation results
struct function getResultMetadata();
* Set a collection of metadata into the results object
* @return IValidationResult
any function setResultMetadata(required struct data);
* Call back that will be executed if the validation results had errors in them.
* The consumer receives the results instance: `(results) => {}, function( results ){}`
* @consumer Block to be executed if the result of the validation had errors.
* @return Same instance
function onError( required consumer )
* Call back that will be executed if the validation results had NO errors in them.
* The consumer receives the results instance: `(results) => {}, function( results ){}`
* @consumer Block to be executed if the result of the validation had NO errors.
* @return Same instance
function onSuccess( required consumer )
Validation Error Object
Some of these methods return error objects which adhere to our Error Interface: cbvalidation.models.result.IValidationError, which can quickly tell you what field had the exception, what was the rejected value and the validation message:
* Copyright since 2020 by Ortus Solutions, Corp
* ---
* The ColdBox validation error interface, all inspired by awesome Hyrule Validation Framework by Dan Vega
import cbvalidation.models.result.*;
interface {
* Set the error message
* @messageThe error message
IValidationError function setMessage( required string message );
* Set the field
* @messageThe error message
IValidationError function setField( required string field );
* Set the rejected value
* @valueThe rejected value
IValidationError function setRejectedValue( required any value );
* Set the validator type name that rejected
* @validationTypeThe name of the rejected validator
IValidationError function setValidationType( required any validationType );
* Get the error validation type
string function getValidationType();
* Set the validator data
* @dataThe data of the validator
IValidationError function setValidationData( required any data );
* Get the error validation data
string function getValidationData();
* Get the error message
string function getMessage();
* Get the error field
string function getField();
* Get the rejected value
any function getRejectedValue();