Unique Constraints


The unique constraint is part of the cborm module. So make sure that the cborm module is installed first.

box install cborm

See the Advanced Custom Validators for a uniqueness validator which is not dependent of ORM

Declaring the Constraint

The constraints is mapped into WireBox as UniqueValidator@cborm so you can use in your constraints like so:

{ fieldName : { validator: "UniqueValidator@cborm" } }

Case Sensitivity

If you will be using the unique constraint, then the name of the property has to be EXACTLY the same case as the constraint name. To do this, use single or double quotes to declare the constraint name. Please see example below.

this.constraints = {
  "username" = { required=true, validator: "UniqueValidator@cborm" },
  "email" = { required=true, validator: "UniqueValidator@cborm" }

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